Lynne has 33 years experience teaching full time at the college level and three years experience at the junior high school level. She has also conducted many workshops, short courses, and in-service training sessions both in the United States and abroad. Her teaching evaluations have been consistently high and she has received numerous awards related to her teaching career.
Among the classes Lynne has taught are:
- Beginning and Advanced TV Production
- Beginning and Advanced Audio Production
- Beginning and Advanced Motion Picture Production
- Scriptwriting
- News Writing and Production
- Documentary Journalism
- Radio and TV Programming
- Media Management
- Children’s Television
- Global Media
- Introduction to Communications
- Introduction to Radio-TV-Film
- Internships
- Video Art
- Contemporary Issues in TV
- Introduction to Education
- World History and American History
- American Government
- Public Speaking
- English Composition
Top: Lynne teaching at Long Beach City College
Bottom: Lynne teaching at Metropolitan College
Places Lynne has taught in the United States include:
- California State University, Fullerton
- Pepperdine University
- Long Beach City College
- Loyola Marymount University
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of Southern California
- Metropolitan College
- Ladera Vista, Wilshire, and Hamilton Junior High Schools
Places Lynne has taught internationally include:
- Tartu University in Tartu, Estonia
- Radio-TV Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Swaziland Broadcasting Corporation in Mbabane, Swaziland
- University of Guyana in Georgetown, Guyana
- Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia
- Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia
Top: Lynne, government officials, and her 12 Malaysian students
Bottom: Lynne with her Swazi students at an end-of-course picnic