During the pandemic, Lynne wrote a musical which she called “See Where We Land.” (Email address is LSGmusical@gmail.com)
You can watch a small sample from each of the 14 scenes by clicking on the image below or by going to https://youtube.be/Xzgy2SdUEEK
Here is the synopsis of “See Where We Land”
Andy, 23, arrives in Los Angeles from Iowa with hopes of selling his film script. While living in a house with five other aspiring young people (and a grouchy but surprisingly talented landlord), he learns it is not as easy as he thought. Through breezy dialogue, memorable lyrics, melodious music, and a twisting plot, the characters share their ups and downs and form a bond. As the musical ends, they are all on paths to success, but not exactly the way each had planned. They have had to be flexible, resilient, persistent, supportive, and eager to “see where they land.”
Lynne wrote the book, lyrics, and some melodies, but did not have the musical ability or knowledge to go further with the music. She found a young, talented composer, Geoffery Munger, who improved on her melodies and wrote the score. He had received his masters degree from California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), and was a part-time instructor there.
Once the musical was finished, Lynne found that she needed to have a reading. Fortunately, one of the professors Lynne worked with when she taught at CSUF, Ed Fink, became interested in the project. Lynne asked Ed to be the producer/director for the reading and he made it a more elaborate “enhanced” reading. He arranged for it to be recorded in the media center of the university, Titan Communications, headed by Eraj Shadaram. Ed also contacted Marty Austin Lamar of the Theatre Department who provided a senior-level class for the project and guided the students. Marty and the students enhanced the project even more.
The video was shot and edited during the fall semester of 2023. It is now available for YouTube viewings and stage production. If you are interested in this musical, please email LSGmusical@gmail.com.